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Entries by Nicole Mears

Translate Appointment Messages into Multiple Languages with AI

When communicating with your clients or patients about upcoming visits, providing superior customer experience isn’t just about sending appointment reminders (although it is a critical first step). Delivering personalized messages using your client’s preferred method (text, call, or email) and language enables you to demonstrate how much you value their convenience and experience working with your businesses. That’s why we’re excited to announce our newest feature: AI-powered appointment message translation. With a click of a button, you can translate appointment text messages, emails, and auto-replies into five different languages: English (US, UK, Australia, European), Dutch, French, Spanish, and German. Effortlessly update your messaging to cater to your diverse clientele! Why Translate Appointment Messages? Clients who receive appointment-related messages in their primary language are more likely to engage with your reminders, confirm their visits, or provide feedback. More than 50% of healthcare patients with limited English proficiency reported not receiving an appointment reminder or reporting difficulty understanding the reminder they received, according to a study on Language Appropriate Appointment Reminders. By sending out translated appointment messages, you reduce the chances of clients missing appointments due to misunderstandings. 91% of healthcare patients […]

Two-Factor Authentication Updates Boost Team Security in Apptoto

Safeguarding our personal and professional data online has never been more crucial, given the neverending attempts to hack our information. It’s why two-factor authentication (2FA) has transitioned from being a “nice to have” to a “non-negotiable” line of defense for securing you and your business’s sensitive information. Two-factor authentication is a security measure that requires users to provide two different forms of identification before logging into an online account. This typically includes a password plus an additional security measure, such as using a mobile device or authentication app to generate or receive a time-sensitive code. At Apptoto, it’s our mission to continually improve the security policies and practices we put in place to protect your personal and business information. That’s why we released 2FA earlier this year and are excited to announce new updates to user-level 2FA requirements to make your Apptoto account even more secure. Require Specific Users to Use Two-Factor Authentication in Apptoto Apptoto users have always had the power to enable two-factor authentication for themselves. But for Apptoto accounts with multiple users or subaccounts, it was up to each user to enable 2FA individually. But, when you […]

Apptoto vs. Google Appointment Scheduling for Businesses

Online appointment scheduling has transformed how we book appointments with our dentists, doctors, hair stylists, and even auto mechanics. So much so that nearly 70% of people now prefer to book appointments online instead of calling an office. Businesses use appointment management systems like Apptoto to make it simple for their clients or patients to view their provider’s availability, cross-reference their schedule, and pick the date and time that works best for them. So, it should come as no surprise that Google decided to add “Appointment Scheduling” to its popular Calendar app, releasing it to both Workspace and personal accounts. In this guide, we’ll analyze Apptoto’s and Google’s unique scheduling functionality, user experience, and integration capabilities to help you decide which solution is right for your appointment management needs. Google Appointment Scheduling Google’s Appointment Scheduling tool is built into Google Calendar. Appointment Scheduling was previously only available via a paid Google Workplace subscription, but the basic offering is now free to all users. To get started, you must first set when you’re available for appointments in your Google Calendar. You’ll then select how long your appointment blocks are, how many […]