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  6. Message Timing Options
  7. Followup Message Timing

Followup Message Timing


Followup messages are messages that will be sent after an appointment, related to its end time.

Use the "When" field in Message Editor to determine how long after an appointment a follow-up message should send

“Immediately after appointment”

This will attempt to send the message as soon as an appointment is scheduled to end. By default, it will follow your “default schedule” but has an option for a custom schedule, as well as “Any”, meaning that the message will go out at the end of the appointment regardless of time of day.

“X hours/days/months after end of appointment”

These options will attempt to send the message the specified number of hours/days/months after the end of an appointment, and will abide by the “time of day” schedule you specify.


These options allow you to specify a range for when the followup can be sent. Apptoto will attempt to send the reminder at first time listed and roll the message forward up to the second time listed if the first time is unavailable due to the “Time of day” schedule.

For example, if you have a message that you want sent 2 days after, but no later than 4 days after, you can select “2 days after” and “4 days after” as the ‘X’ and ‘Y’.

“Relative day and time”

This option lets you specify the number of days after the end of the appointment and the exact time of day when the message should be sent (e.g. 1 day after at 1:00 pm)

Please note that this setting does NOT abide by the message time of day schedule like the other settings do.

“Specific date and time”

This option is seldom if ever used. This will allow you to specify the exact day and time that the message will go out, should you need that option.

Advanced Settings

Apptoto's advanced follow-up message timing for sending messages during a specific time range.

As followup messages are commonly used to remind participants to book future appointments, the “do not send if client has scheduled appointment since” checkbox will prevent the followup message from going out to a past appointment if that participant has another appointment scheduled.

These options will allow you to specify a cut-off date to apply the followup message to, so that appointments in the past do not start receiving messages unintentionally.