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Payments on Signup Pages

Sign Up Pages let you set up a page online that lets clients add themselves to an existing appointment or event on your calendar. They are typically used for webinars, clinics, or other group activities.

Apptoto’s Payment feature allows you to accept payments when people sign up through a Signup Page. Here is an example Signup Page payment form:

Apptoto sign up page with payment required

Signup Page Payment Options

The Payment Options for Signup Pages can be found on the Signup Page’s setting’s “General” tab.

Payment options for signup pages in Apptoto

The Payment Types options for Signup Pages are the same as they are for Booking Pages (See Payment Types for Booking Pages)

The “Use price in event instead if one exists” option tells Apptoto to look at the event attached to the Signup Page to determine the price. It does so by looking for:

  1. A custom field called “price” (e.g., if the body of the event has ‘price: 25’ in it)
  2. Any $ amount found in the event title/location/body (e.g., $25.00 or $25)
  3. Otherwise, it will use the Cost of Service specified in the settings.

Multiple Event Signup Pages

The “Use price in event instead if one exists” option works well if multiple events are attached to one Signup Page that vary in price. For example, here is a Signup Page that has two events. A “1/2 Day Webinar” that does not have a $ amount in the title, and a “Full Day Webinar” that has a $ amount in the title of the event.

Use payment required in event title for Sign Up Pages with multiple event types

Apptoto will vary the price based on which event the client picks!

Apptoto signup page displaying two separate events with differing payments required