Apptoto should be able to adapt to whatever event formatting you currently use. But if you need a suggested event format, here is what we recommend.
Single Participant Appointment
Title: Name and type of appointment separated by dash
Fred Smith - Haircut
Location: Location keyword or address of where appointment will take place
Body: Phone number and email address separated by dash
650-555-1212 -
Multiple Participant Appointment
Title: Type of appointment
Group Meeting
Location: Location keyword or address of where appointment will take place
Body: Contact information on separate lines with type of participant at beginning of line
Organizer - Fred Smith - 650-555-1212 - Speaker - Wilma Jones - 415-906-1212 - Attendee - Sam Max - Attendee - Debbie Min - 415-922-3233
Appointment with custom data
Title: Name and type of appointment separated by dash
Fred Smith - Consultation
Location: Location keyword or address of where appointment will take place
Body: Phone number and email address separated by dash. Custom data can be added in “keyword: value” format.
650-555-1212 - salesperson: Jeremiah Wilson source: online
Apptoto will then make salesperson and source available on the “event.custom” field in messages and conditions.